

‘Misunderstanding’ is a forceful presence among friends dividing hearts and perhaps abolishing today’s divine plans.

‘Open communication’ promotes  fresh insights, diffuses anger and grants clarity to challenging occurrences.

 ‘Transparency’ is the cornerstone of genuine, mature friendships.

‘Forgiveness and Grace’ are vital ingredients for  friendships to flourish over time and weather the rugged times.

Even if our human tendencies is to distance ourselves when angry, it’s pivotal to be intentional about the reconciliation of our hearts.

All of us possess strengths as well as quite a few character flaws.

“I am happily imperfect. In God’s eyes, I was wonderfully and fearfully made!”

We all think and communicate differently.

When steered into troubled or heated discussions, let us be mindful of our differences and let us honor these inequalities with great respect and in love.

 Cindy and I embrace each other’s strengths,  and sense of humor at all times!

‘How many times should I forgive?’

“Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Christ wants us to forgive others not once but as often as necessary.

If Reconciliation is possible then pursue it today!

Our days are numbered and tomorrow is not secured.

God knows our hearts and He will work everything out in His perfect time!

One step at a time

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As I was setting up my new Instagram account this morning, I soon realized I didn’t know how to post an image. I needed the ABCs of Instagram then.

My initial reaction was, ‘this can’t be that difficult! I can navigate social media just fine’.

After 24 minutes, I was quite frustrated when the task at hand was unsuccessful!

My husband was supportive and immediately reassured me in a calm demeanor, “you’ll figure it out honey. You always do”

Why was I so frustrated?  What was the rush anyway?!

I wanted to post a couple of images, add FB friends, and connect Instagram with Twitter and FB accounts all at the same time.

 I just needed extra time to be familiarized with the set up of Instagram.

As I was cruising down Shelby drive, the Lord nudged me, ‘One step at a time’. God has made everything in my life beautiful in His perfect time.

‘Lord, give me the courage to complete one task at a time. Let me not rush or be frazzled along the way. Help me slow down so I may enjoy the new journey one day at a time. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen’