New Release

“Journaling a Bible verse or two!
Encouragement for Today!”
Travel Series. Volume Three.

This Faith Journal will share what the Bible Scriptures say about Prayer in a 40-days reading plan.
Available today at Amazon ☀️

Journaling a Bible verse or two! Encouragement for Today.: The Bible Reading Journal Series. Travel Series. Volume Three.

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Eternal Blessings

I love drinking a cup of coffee when journaling a Bible verse or two✍🏼 5:35 am Sunday morning.

Readjusting our mindsets at sunrise and strengthening our hearts with His promises are irrevocable moments… everyday challenges won’t interfere with the quality of our lives. His compassion and faithfulness never runs out.

Encouragement from Devotional Readings

Have you ever wonder where to journal your insights when reading devotionals?

When I read my kindle ‘on the go’, this new Faith Journal will allow me to journal a Bible verse or two in a couple of different translations, write down my insights from daily devotional readings, engage in Thanksgiving and maintain a prayerful moment.

All in one ☝️ travel size journal.

Coming soon to!

He sets us free!

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Journaling a Bible verse or two ✍🏼