A New Life has begun!

Journaling a Bible verse or two!


Everything is New!

Journaling a Bible verse or two!


Be Courageous!

My last painting in 2021

2021 was the year I met the most broken version of me BUT also the strongest 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

As I continued adapting to CDC guidelines and limiting my participation in social gatherings, I had no travel plans, and missed a precious and memorable wedding in South Florida.

Having to take calculated risks and altering the way I socialize due to the global pandemic, I experienced the greatest amount of isolation, loneliness and high levels of anxiety to say the least… I 🔜 realized that if you don’t reach out to people when sheltered at home, no one will ever notice your existence…

Taking the first COVID-19 shot and leaving a traditional full time job were the most scary thing I’ve ever done in years…

Finding out your husband had an unexpected heart condition and hearing three doctors say, he could have had an heart attack or even a massive stroke was quite alarming to say the least and facing mortality was a rude awakening when it hit so close to home and no one to turn to…

But GOD never leaves us nor abandon us!!!
He is a faithful God who gives us strength, comfort, peace and healing ❤️‍🩹

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I finally celebrate 🎉 2021 as I begin a new year!
I am forever grateful for…

A Faithful and Loving God,
Hubby’s successful heart surgery,
Long-term friendships and loving family,
Remote nationwide career opportunities,
Virtual communities,
The Bible Reading Journal Series
Great opportunities to paint, exercise, intimate conversations with genuine people, and most importantly His Word to comfort and guide us along the way.

Life happens and we all can choose either ‘be defeated’ or thrive amidst adversity.

I chose to thrive and grow stronger in my Faith.
I cannot wait to see what the future holds with a loving, compassionate and faithful God 💓

In Spring 2022, I will be publishing my next journal with all valuable lessons in how to manage anxiety and will be sharing quite a few personal experiences along the way.

“The Bible Reading Journal Series: Journaling the Rhythms of Thriving Habits with a Faithful God” will be published in the Spring 2022.

Be ready to confront your fears in a new practical ways!

Coming Soon 🔜 at Amazon.

Next Publication

Be Refreshed

“Be Refreshed: Journaling the Rhythms of Intentional Self-Care with a Faithful God“

Now available at Amazon

Let us take better care of our bodies, minds, and souls in a new way. Be intentional about self-care throughout the day particularly if you are having a life-altering event or in a transition. We will never be worn out much less give up.

We will undoubtedly have stamina

for the road trip of life.

“Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31
By executing a detailed self-care plan, we will choose life-giving options. We will then move forward in life with great optimism, vitality, and energy.

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is beneficial. Our family and friends will undoubtedly notice the difference and appreciate our efforts at the end of the day.

Journaling the slow rhythms of self-care with a faithful God is an intentional decision.
The author, Adriana Morales Spokane, made a choice to embark in this new journey. So, can you!

“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” Audre Lorde. 

Consistency is an issue for most of us. A self-monitoring system will help us build purposeful routines. When we create routine, we increase a sense of predictability and decrease the level of uncertainties in our lives.
Over time, daily routines become habits so let us make healthier choices today.

Be intentional. Be wise. Be consistent. Choose Health.

Health is a commodity so let us handle it with great care without further delay or excuses.

Aren’t we always navigating thru the ins and outs of life? Strategizing or problem-solving our next steps? Acquiring new skills to advance in our careers, be better parents at home or be reliable in our servant role in ministry? 

When completing “Be Refreshed: Journaling the Rhythms of Intentional Self-Care with a Faithful God,” keep an open mind. Extend grace to yourself every day. Take time to study God’s word. Carve the time to reflect. Be prayerful. Do not give up. If you fall behind or skip a day, do not worry. Start all over again the next day. His mercies are abundant at sunrise and in Him, there is no condemnation. 

Faith Journaling is the process of writing personal reflections and observations in the presence of Jesus. It is a guided process led by the Holy Spirit once we have invited and accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts. The Holy Spirit will guide us through the journaling process. He teaches, guides, and convicts us to walk in His steps and be more like Jesus. We want to be ‘doers’ of His Word and take better care of ourselves along the way. This journal will help you reflect and pray over selected Scriptures whether you are sitting at a kitchen table, taking a lunch break, waiting in line to pick-up your child from school or drinking a cup of coffee at a local café. 

Faith Journaling is unique in its focus though. The Faith journaling process undoubtedly unravels a wide range of truths about us and deepens our relationship with the Lord. Journaling His Word renews our minds, refreshes the soul, softens our hearts, and will forever transform our lives one day at a time. The spiritual growth is undeniable, visible, and palpable. Faithful and consistent journalers do grow closer to God. 

A close relationship with the Lord protects our hearts against the enemies of the soul; fear, doubt, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness and envy. Be mindful of these enemies of the soul, they can lead to spiritual bankruptcy if they are undetected, denied or not processed in a timely manner.

His Gift

His Gift 🎁 Journaling a Bible verse or two!


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